This sedge can take a wide range of conditions. Good for a rain garden or ground cover. Short, mounding, with thin blades, and spiky oval seed heads with a golden brown fall color.
Sedges have edges – feel the triangular stems. These short, grass-like plants add texture to the garden and create a nice ground cover. Birds eat the seeds.
A study in KC showed that Solidago is one of the plant genera in our area that attracts the largest number of different bee species. This is a great option for a goldenrod with its showier flowers.
A rounded shrub with a more formal shape with beautiful flowers that attract many pollinators. Can tolerate many soil conditions but better in well-drained soil in hot and humid conditions.
Clump-forming, shorter grass, with an interesting seed head and autumn color. Food source or larval host for at least five types of skippers. May be used as a turf grass alternative.
A shorter aster, but a bit spindly. A study in KC showed that Symphyotrichum is one of the plant genera in our area that attracts the largest number of different bee species.
Pollinators love this plant! Lovely mint fragrance. Beautiful texture. Spreads slowly by roots and seeds; not as aggressive as most mints. A study in KC showed that Pycnanthemum is one of the plant genera in our area that attracts the largest number of di
An annual that readily self-seeds in disturbed soils. Host of common buckeye butterfly. Hemiparasitic: this plant feeds of the roots of other plants and therefore should be planted among other species.