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273 products found

Cluster Fescue (Festuca paradoxa)

A cool season grass that looks similar to Festuca subverticillata but prefers more sun.
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From $5.50

Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)

One of the first plants to provide nectar in the spring. Individual plants only live a few years, but readily self-seeds to provide new plants.
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Common Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)

Spreads aggressively through rhizomes, so better suited for a larger, wild garden. Great pollinator plant. Historically used for many medicinal purposes - all parts of plant are toxic and bitter.
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Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)

Monarch butterfly candy - they love this milkweed! Spreads rapidly; can be "weedy." Plant with grasses or other competitive perennials and/or weed regularly.
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Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Kansas state flower. This is likely the sunflower that you're admiring on the side of the road in late summer. Birds love the seeds. An annual, but will reseed. May need to be staked. Grows well in dry, poor conditions.
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Common Wood Sedge (Carex blanda)

Can tolerate a wide range of conditions. Short, mounding sedge. Evergreen.
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Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum)

Called compass plant because the leaves tend to orient on a north-south axis. Will likely take 3 years to bloom - puts down a very long tap root the first 2 years.
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Cream Baptisia (Baptisia bracteata)

A shorter, sprawling Baptisia. Great for early pollinators. Grows best in sunny locations with other short perennials and grasses for support. May take several years to establish before bloom.
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Culver's Root (Veronicastrum virginicum)

A tall, structural plant with whimsical blooms. Prefers sunny, moist spots; may flop in too much shade; good for wetter rain gardens but it doesn't like to dry out. May be cut back after first bloom for a possible second bloom in the fall.
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Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum)

Birds love the seeds. Can be aggressive.
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Curlytop Ironweed (Vernonia arkansana)

Attract pollinators to your rain garden in late summer with these beautiful flowers. The long-horned bee Melissodes denticulata specializes on this plant.
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Dark Green Bulrush (Scirpus atrovirens)

Tolerates many soil types, but leaves may turn yellow-green in dry soil. Can submerge in water garden pot or along pond banks but may colonize through rhizomes. Prefers some shade during hot summers.
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Deciduous Holly (Ilex decidua)

Female plants produce red berries that persist through winter and are enjoyed by wildlife. We can't guarantee gender but need male and female near each other to produce fruit. Typically only reaches 15 feet high.
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Deertongue Panicgrass (Dichanthelium clandestinum)

A cool season grass with wide leaves and panicle seedheads, eaten by some birds. Can be aggressive in ideal conditions: moist soil in part shade.
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Dittany (Cunila origanoides)

Can take quite a bit of shade. Also called Wild Oregano, the minty leaves can be brewed for tea. May produce frost flowers in early winter. Spreads through rhizomes, though not as quickly as other mints.
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