This Blazing Star will tolerate more moisture, but still prefers less fertile soil. Butterflies love the Blazing Stars! Plant with other tall species to help keep it upright.
Beautiful basal leaves can be 2' tall and 1' wide and add a fantastic texture to the garden. Long tap root makes this plant very drought tolerant. May not flower for a few years.
Large warm-season prairie grass with interesting seedheads. Can help keep taller prairie perianal upright, but is aggressive, especially in smaller areas.
A nice groundcover for dry, non-fertile areas. Slow to mature. Host to the American Painted Lady butterfly. Poisonous to, and therefore not desirous to, deer and rabbits.
2018 Kansas Native Plant Society Wildflower of the Year. Clump forming. A study in KC showed that Penstemon is one of the plant genera in our area that attracts the largest number of different bee species.
A finicky species. A milkweed for your shade garden. Very similar to common milkweed but won't grow as tall or spread as much. Prefers moist but well drained soil.