183 products found

Long-head Coneflower (Ratibida columnifera)

More common in Kansas. "Petals" could be red, or partially red, instead of yellow. Has a deep tap root, which it spends its first year growing so it may not flower until the second year. Best planted in masses or planted with other structural plants.
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Meadow Garlic (Allium canadense)

Love the green blades of Allium to provide color and texture to the garden and attract several small pollinators. Avoided by most mammals. Tolerates several sun/moisture conditions.
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From $5.50

Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dasycarpum)

Unique purple stems. Good massed in the back of a planting. Can cause skin irritation. Male and female flowers on separate plants.
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Missouri Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa)

Amazing, large, yellow blooms open at night, so they're great for the moths. Dry, limestone rock areas are the natural home for these beauties, so they tolerate dry and hot conditions.
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Mist Flower (Conoclinium coelestinum)

May spread aggressively through rhizomes and seed. Plant with other aggressive plants and divide in spring for a balanced planting. Taller plants may need to be supported. Doesn't like to dry out.
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MO black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia missouriensis)

A glade plant, this Rudbeckia does well in hot, dry soils. May form a colony.
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Monkey Flower (Mimulus ringens)

Great plant for a consistently moist area. Primarily pollinated by bumblebees.
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Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)

Spreads quickly. Taller plants may need to be staked. "Obedient" because you can move the flowers and they will stay in the new position. Thrives in moist areas.
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Ohio Horsemint (Blephilia ciliata)

Great pollinator plant - avoided by most mammals but loved by many insects. Clump-forming mint; less aggressive and less fragrant than many other mints. Basal leaves may be evergreen. Tolerates a wide range of conditions.
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From $5.50

Ohio Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis)

Readily self-seeds and looks great in mass. Plant with other plants that have nice summer foliage as the Tradescantia may die back in the heat of summer.
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Ox-Eye Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)

Blooms all summer. Cut back 1/3 to 1/2 of the plant in May to reduce plant height.
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Pale Beardtongue (Penstemon pallidus)

Similar to P. digitalis but shorter and can take drier conditions. We like the hairy leaves of this species that adds a nice texture to the garden. A great platn to add to your bee or hummingbird garden.
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From $5.50

Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida)

Prefers poor soils and tolerates drought and heat. Goldfinches feed on the seeds and many bees and butterflies prefer this plant for its pollen and nectar. Supports the specialist Mining Bee, Andrena helianthiformis.
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Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)

Annual - allow to reseed. Beautiful foliage and flower.
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From $5.50

Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata)

A beautiful plant for your pond or water garden. Can be grown in muddy banks or in non-holed containers. Can spread rapidly if not contained. Seeds are edible to humans and also enjoyed by birds. Plant used by fish, dragonflies, damselflies and other aqua
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